Making it Personal

At WinBap, we live together in worship, community, and mission. Each of those has a corporate aspect (they characterize US as a church) and an individual aspect (they characterize YOU as a member of the Church). Too often, individual Christians feel satisfied if they faithfully prioritize corporate worship, community, and mission on Sunday. But that doesn’t reflect the Gospel, does it? The Gospel of Jesus shines more vibrantly through US, corporately, as it is becomes more actIve in YOU, individually

Consider these questions as you press further into the individual, daily expression of our corporate life — Together for the Gospel. 


  • Do you worship the Lord privately through the Word and prayer?

  • Are you growing spiritually—and if so, have you shared that with anyone in our church for their encouragement?


  • Do you spend time with any fellow-members outside of the organized gatherings?

  • Are there lonely or discouraged people in our church whom you could care for through meaningful friendship?


  • Are you actively loving your non-Christian neighbors, co-workers, and friends?

  • Do you, personally, pray for, give to, and/or serve any of our Gospel partners?