Jillian declares her faith in Jesus through Baptism

Before I came to Christ, I was depressed, and I always felt like I was wandering in the desert. I was confused with all the lies, and I didn’t understand this strange, illogical “evolution” that I was being taught in school. I didn't understand how a creature could suddenly add information at just the right time instead of going extinct. If a chameleon took a million years to evolve camouflage, what did it do to survive that million years? Why didn’t that keep working? I was afraid to voice my questions because everyone else seemed to understand it, and I didn't want to be labeled as unintelligent. On top of this, I was being taught other pagan belief systems at home by my mom, (who at the time believed these were the way); and my basic idea was that the universe created itself and we arose through evolution. My questions about logic led me to look for the truth. One night I watched a very pagan movie, and I started thinking. I prayed for any deity or deities out there to reveal itself to me. I prayed in earnest and desperation, and I found favor. Not long afterwards, God answered my prayer and my mom told me how she became a christian, and I literally fell on my knees because I was so humbled by the amazing truth; the truth that we were made in God’s image, Adam sinned and cursed the world, but Jesus died on the cross and paid my debt, he rose again on the third day, so the Judge can set me free from the punishment of my sins. This truth is more valuable than anything in this whole universe. The Good News of the Gospel gave me hope and truth, and soon gave me a logical view of life and science. Jesus is the Lord of my life; my life is not my own. Today, my baptism symbolizes how I have died to self and live in Christ, and my sins are washed away.

Jillian Frances (Age 13)
November 6, 2022